Software categories

Analysis Software

Specialised data analysis solutions.

These software packages are used to extract, process and explore complex structured or unstructured data with the aim of refining the interpretation of results and assisting in decision making

These are software packages designed with different specific statistical languages, but also more general applications that automate different data manipulation operations, from survey analysis to data visualisation. With these tools, we can efficiently generate useful information and many results from quantitative and qualitative analysis and data collection while combining visualisation, predictive analysis, deep learning and AI.

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Fast, accurate, and easy to use, Stata software is the reference for statistical data processing and data science analysis.
It meets all your data science needs: data manipulation, visualization, statistics and automated reports.


NVivo is the qualitative data analysis software designed to provide you with a workspace where you can organize, visualize, and analyze your unstructured and qualitative data.
NVivo handles multiple data sources and formats such as interviews, survey results, images, audio or video interviews, newspaper articles, web page content and social networks.

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EViews, the world’s leading econometric software company, offers companies, researchers and government organisations access to a powerful statistical modelling and forecasting tool with time series expertise.


GAUSS, the historical reference for statistical software, has been used for nearly 20 years by professionals in fields requiring large-scale statistical and mathematical processing.


Stat/Transfer is designed to simplify the transfer of statistical data between different programs.

Stat/Transfer seamlessly recognizes and converts over 30 data formats including R, Excel, MatLab, GAUSS, Stata, SAS, SPSS and all ODBC data sources (Oracle, Sybase, Informix…).

KaleidaGraph - V5


KaleidaGraph is the tool for 2D analysis and visualization of experimental data. It is designed for research, engineering and industry.
User-friendly and powerful plotter, it transforms your data into a professional quality graph.


Le Sphinx

The Sphinx software suite is the reference for all your research projects, from data collection to analysis and communication of results. It allows you to design expert and interactive questionnaires to mobilize respondents and distribute surveys on all media (Web, Paper, Smartphone, QR Code, SMS…).