Stata Advanced : Stata Av1 – Stata Av4

Theoretical and applied statistics
Short courses
On-site courses


  • Improve your knowledge of the software and discover advanced functions of Stata
    • Declare data in different formats
    • Advanced estimation
    • Programming.


Educational and technical material and resources:

  • Lectures followed by practical exercises with real-life situations
  • Educational materials and applications in digital format provided
  • Possibility for trainees to work on their data


  • Assesment questionnaire and/or test before the training course
  • Evaluation questionnaire

Expected results & skills at the end of the training:

  • At the end of the course, trainees will be able to format their data and produce advanced and reproducible statistical analyses.


4 modules of 3.5 hours each

Stata Av1 : Advanced data management

  • Treatment of alphanumeric variables
  • Merging and aggregating data
  • Processing of date variables and time series operators
  • Advanced management of graphs

Stata Av2 : Programming with Stata

  • Local and global macros
  • Loops, sums and counters, temporary variables
  • Programming to reproduce
  • Application examples

Stata Av3: Estimation methods, tests and predictions

  • Linear regression with categorical variables and interactions
  • Presenting results in a synthetic table and exporting them
  • Specification tests and diagnostics
  • Extension to other estimation methods

Stata Av4: Introduction to panel data estimation

  • Structure and visualize data
  • Fixed effects model
  • Random effects models
  • Some extensions
14 hours
Anyone wishing to deepen their knowledge of Stata software to produce advanced and reproducible statistical analyses
8 people maximum
Short courses for public attendance: 1095 EUR VAT excl/participant
On-site courses: Please contact us for a personnalized offer.

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