Stata Advanced : Stata Av1 – Stata Av4Home Training Catalog Stata Advanced : Stata Av1 – Stata Av4 Analysis Theoretical and applied statistics Short courses On-site courses Face-to-face Remote/Virtual English French Objectives Improve your knowledge of the software and discover advanced functions of Stata Declare data in different formats Advanced estimation Programming. Prerequisite: Master the concepts covered in the training Discovering Stata software: Stata Deb1 – Stata Deb4 Educational and technical material and resources: Lectures followed by practical exercises with real-life situations Educational materials and applications in digital format provided Possibility for trainees to work on their data Assesment: Assesment questionnaire and/or test before the training course Evaluation questionnaire Expected results & skills at the end of the training: At the end of the course, trainees will be able to format their data and produce advanced and reproducible statistical analyses. Program 4 modules of 3.5 hours each Stata Av1 : Advanced data management Treatment of alphanumeric variables Merging and aggregating data Processing of date variables and time series operators Advanced management of graphs Stata Av2 : Programming with Stata Local and global macros Loops, sums and counters, temporary variables Programming to reproduce Application examples Stata Av3: Estimation methods, tests and predictions Linear regression with categorical variables and interactions Presenting results in a synthetic table and exporting them Specification tests and diagnostics Extension to other estimation methods Stata Av4: Introduction to panel data estimation Structure and visualize data Fixed effects model Random effects models Some extensions Download the full program Duration 14 hours Level Intermediate Audience Anyone wishing to deepen their knowledge of Stata software to produce advanced and reproducible statistical analyses Participants 8 people maximum Short courses for public attendance: 1095 EUR VAT excl/participant On-site courses: Please contact us for a personnalized offer. Are you looking for information about a training course? You want to set up a customized training session? Contact our pedagogical team! Notice: JavaScript is required for this content.