Lumivero Research Writing Institute 2024

Lumivero Research Writing Institute 2024

On june 11 and 12, our partner Lumivero is hosting the Research Writing Institute, an online event for researchers from all over the world, with the theme: Streamline your Research writing with AI.

This 2024 edition will help you publish faster by using Artificial Intelligence to analyze your data, develop your voice, write compelling argument presentations, and report qualitative findings and statistical results.

On the program, 4 exceptional trainings to learn how to streamline your writing with AI:

  • Leveraging AI in Research Writing June 11
  • Enhancing Research Writing with AI: Developing Your Voice through Paraphrasing, Developing Claims, and Synthesizing Literature June 11
  • Reporting Qualitative Findings: Writing Considerations June 12
  • Reporting Statistical Results: Research Writing Considerations June 12

Don’t miss this opportunity to develop your writing skills and perfect your use of NVivo et Citavi!