Citavi: A tool for bibliographic management and scientific text editing

Short courses
On-site courses


  • Creating your Citavi project
  • Organize and manage your references with Citavi
  • Feed its database with new references through different exports: DOI, PDF, websites, etc.
  • Cite its bibliographic references with Citavi and publish documents with Word, articles containing bibliographic references
  • Exchanging and sharing references and citations from consulted sources


  • Ability to use basic computer tools. Internet navigation, use of elementary databases.

Pedagogical tools and practical exercise supervision:

  • Sessions with the instructor
  • Digital learning materials
  • Case studies
  • Theoretical presentations
  • In-depth work on data

Monitoring and evaluation of learning outcomes:

  • Training evaluation forms
  • Regular alternation between theory and practice

Expected outcomes and skills at the end of the course:

  • Proficiency in the use of the software
  • Ability to create an article with bibliographic references, knowledge elements, and embedded annotations
  • Ability to add new references and attachments in the software environment
  • Share references with collaborators.


1. Introduction to Citavi: Theoretical Presentation (30 min.)
2. First Steps with Citavi: Discovering the interface and working on a project (creating, opening, saving), Teamwork with Citavi: applied exercises (1h30)
3. Managing the project: Adding references (manually, automatically), searching and inserting references (from Citavi, from the Internet, with the Picker): practical exercises with importing different document formats; browsing the Internet for new documents (1h30)
4. Organizing and planning: Structuring and sorting references (classification, filter, table), searching the project (in references and full text), editing references (fields, linked documents, keywords, evaluation), planning work (tasks). Presentation and practical exercises, case studies (1h)
5. Organizing the elements of knowledge: Using the Knowledge Organizer, Working on PDF (annotations), Adding personal reflections to the project (Thoughts), Linking an article with its review. Practical exercises (1h30)
6. Using the project: Using citation styles, exporting references (via clipboard, text file, spreadsheet, email), Creating a project bibliography, Writing documents with Word. Theoretical presentation and practical applications (1h)

7 hours
Engineers, researchers, doctors, doctoral students of all disciplines Scientists, students, documentalists, all persons wishing to manage their bibliographic references.
8 people maximum
On-site courses: Please contact us for a personnalized offer.

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