Digital transformation training

Develop the skills of your teams

Ritme est organisme de formation en transformation digitale

RITME Academy is an accredited training Organization that supports your research teams in the development of skills. 

We bring in our xpertise and our network of trainers and top-notch consultants to ensure that your teams embrace new solutions. We transfer and sustain the skills required to meet the business challenges of tomorrow. 

RITME has got the QUALIOPI certification (for training services). 

Training: a must-have to wrap up successful projects

La formation, un facteur clé de réussite pour la transformation digitale

In the end, the success of your projects depends  on your teams and their capacity to take ownership of the tools deployed, so that they might  express their full potential. To get your employees engaged and involved, our trainers bring knowledge know-how and their scientific backgrounds to engage various profiles: technicans, managers, administrators, en users.

As such, our sessions cover a wide range of topics, from software training (all levels), to trainings focused on your specific disciplines to develop the skills of your teams or update their practices.

Tailor-made training courses

RITME Academy offers a wide range of “off-the-shelf” training courses, which serve as a basis for what we can achieve together. 

Find all the sessions offered as short courses available in our calendar.

All our training courses can be adapted to your constraints and objectives as Onsite  training and coaching sessions.

Un vaste catalogue de formation en transformation digitale pour la recherche

A few examples of our training projects

Exemples de formations en transformation digitale pour l’ANSES

ANSES : French public institution whose mission is to evaluate health risks in the fields of food, environment and work.

Ritme awarded a 4-year contract (2017-2021) to develop a training program in statistics and R package for its employees.

Key figures since 2017:

  • More than 80 training sessions in statistics and R software
  • More than 600 participants in the proposed sessions
  • Satisfaction rates of over 90%.
Exemples de formations en transformation digitale pour l’IFV

Institut Français de la Vigne et du Vin : R&D institute at the service of the wine industry, whose mission is to disseminate technical progress and technology transfers in the vineyards and companies in the industry.

Implementation of a training program for Citavi software, selected by IFV in its strategy of bibliographic referencing, knowledge management and collaborative publication support.

Recap of trainings conducted over June and July 2022:

  • 12 training sessions on Citavi software
  • 66 staff members trained

Would you like to discuss your training needs with one of our experts?