Health Industry Home Business areas Health Industry The digital transformation of healthcare players The healthcare industry is facing very strong pressures, related to the health issues of our time, as well as an exponential growth of data that is critical to value. It is also subject to requirements and increasingly strong regulatory constraints. The digital transition, this process of digitization of laboratories consisting of transforming analog information into a digital format, is one of the major levers for facing these challenges. We can distinguish the issues that concern laboratories in particular: Implementation of an electronic laboratory notebook and migration of existingInventory management and inventory of products and reagents used within the laboratoryImplementation of a LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System)Management of molecular drawingsImplementation of data visualization tools, true acceleratorsAutomation of measurement and test data analysisPeak analysis Beyond the day-to-day activity within laboratories, healthcare stakeholders must also be concerned with the industrial logic associated with monitoring and publishing: Bibliographic acquisition and managementScientific article writing and publicationScientific communicationSpeaking and media Scientific and technological watch in innovation projects This overhaul of the tools and information system also concerns everything related to Studies: BiostatisticsSurvival analysesClinical trial management Operational efficiency stems from an approach that falls under the engineering professions: The implementation of experimental designsThe optimization of quality and manufacturing processes Recent developments in software technology and Artificial Intelligence are revolutionizing quantitative analysis Simplifying the implementation of the most sophisticated statistical methodsThe use of techniques related to Data Sciences and Machine LearningThe rise of technologies available in Open SourceReporting methodology and visualizationData methodology and analysisSoftware development methodologyScientific and medical data analysisUse of biostatisticsConducting survival analysisConducting Surveys Finally, the changes also affect the use of methods related to quantitative analysis. Analysis of unstructured and qualitative data.Automated interview transcription The lengh of this training course was very well adjusted: not too short, not too long , with the possibility to test the “theoretical” learning. Accessible trainer, open to questions. Laura Bon CH le Vinatier | CRR EndNote training