Stata Spring School 2023 – BELGIUM Veranstaltungen Veranstaltungen Startseite Blog Veranstaltungen Stata Spring School 2023 – BELGIUM 20/11/2022 MASTER THE THEORETICAL AND APPLIED TOOLS FOR THEIMPLEMENTATION OF MODERN POLICY EVALUATION METHODS Program evaluation methods are widely applied in economics to assess the effects of policy interventions and other treatments of interest (in health, labor, education, finance, marketing, etc.). Providing effective evaluation of economic, social and health program has become a considerably important requirement for public and private institutions. This school seeks to provide participants with the necessary tools, both theoretical and applied, for the correct implementation of modern econometric methods for the conduct of program evaluation using Stata. REGISTER NOW! A GLANCE AT THE PROGRAM Standard statistical methods of program evaluation Regression adjustment, Matching, Selection-models and difference-in-differences methodologies, etc. More advanced econometric techniques Regression discontinuity design, Synthetic control method, etc. At the end of the school, participants are expected to be able to master complex evaluation design by: Identifying a causal inference issue, Defining the type of data required in their specific policy framework, Evaluating which specific econometric method is more appropriate for the analysis, Applying the method and presenting the results, And finally, extracting policy recommendations from the obtained results. SEE THE FULL INFORMATION and prices THE INSTRUCTORSOF THE STATA SPRING SCHOOL 2023 SalimaBOUAYAD AGHA Salima is a lecturer and researcher at Le Mans University (France). She is also head of the Master’s Degree in Labour Economics and Human Resources and the student entrepreneurship officer. She has more than 30 years of experience in Advanced and Applied Econometrics, Economic Geography and Econometric Analysis (CEPE-ENSAE ParisTech, University of Maine). Salima is been working with RITME for more than 20 years on training and consulting missions for the Academic world, EU entities and NGOs in Statistics, Economics and specific software tools and languages (Stata, EViews, R, Python…). Ahmed is an economist, professor at the University of Poitiers and researcher at Crief, FR CNRS TEPP. He is also a research fellow at the Chaire Energy and Prosperity, Institut des Migrations and Mines ParisTech, where he is co-head of the Chaire Industrial Economics of Emerging Africa. He was previously a research economist at Cepii (Paris) and a research fellow at the Robert Schumann Center for Advanced Studies at European University Institute. His research focuses on the broad field of labor and especially on issues related to human capital, migrations, inequalities and evaluation of public policies. He has worked as an expert and consultant for various national and international organizations working in the field of economic development (World Bank, United Nations Development Program, FMO). Ahmed TRITAH HOW TO PARTICIPATETO THE STATA SPRING SCHOOL 2023? To register, please fill out in the form below. Our team will contact you to finalize your registration. PLACES ARE LIMITED! Hinweis: Für diesen Inhalt ist JavaScript erforderlich. Lesen Sie auch 10/07/2024 Veranstaltungen Lumivero Virtual Conference 2024 Als Sponsor nimmt RITME am 25. und 26. September an der von unserem Partner Lumivero organisierten virtuellen Konferenz teil, die unter dem Motto „Powerful Data Intelligence that impacts our world“ steht. Mehr darüber lesen Mehr darüber lesen 18/06/2024 Veranstaltungen Rückblick auf das erste Wissenschaftliche Komitee von Ritme Die erste Sitzung fand am 24. Mai im Chateauform‘ Saint-Dominique in Paris statt, um den Grundstein für die Diskussionen über die Veränderungen im Softwaresektor zu legen. Mehr darüber lesen Mehr darüber lesen